Since your residential plumbing system is so intricate, it can feel like every plumbing issue you encounter is an emergency. If you need to distinguish between minor and emergency plumbing issues, here’s a general guideline; a plumbing issue becomes an emergency when it can potentially cause extensive damage or is costly to repair.
Drawing the line between small plumbing issues and those that require a plumber’s urgent attention gives you the insight required to care for your plumbing network.…
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If you’re an apartment complex manager and need to replace a leaking sewer line, cured-in-place pipe lining is a good way to do it. This form of sewer line repair involves pulling a felt sleeve through your existing sewer pipe and inflating it until the sleeve is flush against the inside walls of the pipe. After the sleeve has been inflated, steam or ultraviolet light will be used to activate a resin inside the felt sleeve, causing it to rapidly harden.…
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Your drain lines are an essential part of your home’s plumbing system. If any of your drain lines malfunction, it can lead to a lot of damage in your home. Foul sewage backups can be a result of faulty drain lines. If you suspect issues with any of your home’s drain lines, you will want to seek out drain line repair as soon as possible to prevent damage. Here’s what you need to know about drain repair.…
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