French Drain Installation For Your Yard
When designing your landscape, you may not have realized that you were going to have drainage problems. If you find yourself in need of better drainage, a french drain system may be just right for you.
Here are some of the basics of having a french drain system installed in your landscape.
Reasons for french drain installation
Typically, a french drain is used to remove excess water from an area. For instance, if you have a soggy area in your yard, you may want a french drain to help the excess water escape. Likewise, if you have too much water around your home's foundation, installing a french drain can divert the extra water to help avoid foundation damage.
Hiring professionals for french drain installation
A professional has the experience needed to size the drain installation correctly so it won't become overwhelmed the first time you have a rainstorm. In addition, hiring someone who has the plumbing experience needed can help ensure your drain system is put together well and uses the correct materials and techniques.
Tools needed for french drain installation
Often, a sod cutter is needed to remove turf before installing a drain. Other tools needed during the prep stage can include things like spray paint to mark where the trench should go.
Then, while digging and installing the drains, your contractors will require a variety of other tools. These include, among others, a trenching machine or backhoe for the installation process, as well as pipe-laying tools, tools such as levels to ensure pipes are laid at the correct angle, and any tools needed to securely connect pipe fittings together.
Steps in french drain installation
When installing a drainage system, your contractors will first finalize the layout and other design elements, such as the size of the drain needed and how deep to dig the trenches. Then they'll mark out where the drain lines will be installed. The next step is removing any lawn turf carefully so it can be replaced later.
Once all these preparatory steps are out of the way, your contractor will dig the trench, line the trench with filter fabric, then install the pipe bedding (which is often gravel) and the pipes themselves, ensuring the pipes are laid with the correct degree of pitch. Once everything is installed correctly, they'll fill in the trenches and replace your sod or turf.
These are the basics of having a french drain installed for your yard. Get in touch with a local contractor who handles french drains and similar outdoor plumbing systems, such as Drain Designs, for more information.